Faith Formation

St. Peter R.C. Parish Faith Formation

The next Faith Formation year is right around the corner! This year, we are continuing our new program for grades 1-8 which is more family-friendly and accessible to those who may not be able to attend in-person classes. With at-home lessons or in-person workshop options, St. Peter's ensures that your family will be nourished and grow in the Catholic faith in a way that is conducive to busy school and work schedules.

In order to explain the program, hand out necessary materials and meet the catechists, our Faith Formation Office is requiring each family to attend one Start-Up Meeting at St. Peter's.

To register for the meeting, go to Faith Formation on St. Peter's website and look for the "Start-Up Meeting" tab which will take you directly to the Sign-Up Genius website.

When registering, please note that you must click the big, blue button at the bottom of the page that says "SUBMIT AND SIGN UP" in order to input your family's name and email address.

High School age students and families are not required to attend a Start-Up Meeting.

Registration for the Faith Formation program itself (grades 1-10) is also available on parish
website www.stpeterlewiston.org/registration. If you need assistance or have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Dianne in our Faith Formation Office at (716) 754-2812.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

- The St. Peter Parish Faith Formation is looking to build up our Volunteer Faith Formation Ministry Team. If you are interested in volunteering in any of the following positions please contact the Faith Formation Office: Catechist, Substitute Catechist, Classroom Aid, Floating Helper, Special Projects Volunteer.

- The Sacraments are for every child regardless of disability. The Diocese of Buffalo’s Department of Lifelong Faith Formation has a resource person with experience available to assist our parish in developing a plan to meet the individual needs of a child with disabilities. If someone in your family is in need of these services, please contact Dianne Wysocki in the Religious Education Office.

Contact information for Dianne Wysocki: 716-754-2812 or email redirector@stpeterlewiston.org.

Keep all of our Catechists, Parents, and Grandparents in prayer as they work together with the Holy Spirit to help our children nurture a love for God and knowledge of our faith:

Father, in Your goodness grant me the intellect to comprehend You, the perception to discern You, and the reason to appreciate You. In Your Kindness endow me with the diligence to look for You, the wisdom to discover You, and the spirit to apprehend You. In Your Graciousness bestow on me a heart to contemplate You, ears to hear You, eyes to see You, and a tongue to speak of You. In Your Mercy confer on me a conversation pleasing to You, the patience to wait for You, and the perseverance to long for You. Grant me a perfect end - Your Holy Presence.

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