Social Justice/Heart & Soul

Heart & Soul Soup Kitchen




*Heart Love & Soul Soup Kitchen Ministry will be suspended until further notice. 

If anyone is interested in chairing this wonderful ministry, please contact Fr. Cole @ 716-754-4118 or by email @ cwebster@stpeterlewiston.org

We will keep you updated here on future dates as the situation evolves 
The Social Justice Committee serves meals at Heart & Soul on the second to last Sunday of every month, except July & August.  
Heart & Soul is located at 939 Ontario Avenue, Niagara Falls. 
 We start preparing food at 10:00 a.m. and serve the meal at Noon. 
We clean up after and are usually done by 1:30 p.m. 
If you are interested in just helping to clean up, please come at Noon. 
For questions, call Mike Roemer at 472-5886.

Heart & Soul Soup Kitchen Ministry

All are welcome to join our soup kitchen ministry! We start preparing food at 10:00 a.m., serve the meal at Noon, clean up afterwards and are usually finished by 1:30 p.m. If you are interested in just helping to clean up, please come at Noon.


 If you have questions, or if you are interested in additional volunteer opportunities at Heart & Soul, please call Mike Roemer at 472-5886.


If you can help, please come to Heart & Soul on Sunday at 10:00am on the following dates: 
Thank you to all who participated in our Heart & Soul Ministry this past year.
This month, we completed our 13th year of service! 

Heart & Soul Soup Kitchen Ministry  


Social Justice issues in the Diocese of Buffalo

Heart, Love & Soul